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V2 Vinyasa Yoga

Produktinformationen "V2 Vinyasa Yoga"

131 Min. DVD,
Yoga leicht gemacht.

'Develop an even greater mind-body connection! Help to engage your muscles, heighten body awareness and enhance the mind-body connection by incorporating exclusive ZEN GA flow movements with the V2 Max Plus Reformer. By holding traditional Vinyasa Yoga postures against the spring-loaded resistance of the V2 Max Plus Reformer, you are able to develop a high level of fitness through vigorously flowing movements. Enjoy this innovative fusion workout that focuses on clarity of the mind, core stability, stamina and resilience.'

Anzahl der Übungen: 26
Benötigtes Equipment: V2 Max Plus Reformer, Jumpboard and Vinyasa Triangle'
Geeignet für Anfänger

Required Equipment: V2 Max Plus Reformer, Jumpboard and Vinyasa Triangle'
DVD 131 min
Difficulty level: 1

Geeignet für: Yoga
Spielzeit: 131 Min.

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